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Activities in Little school are based on the following exercises:



Conversation is the most important activity in the language teaching in Little School. Conversational classes are the core and the goal of each of the classes given by little school.


Reading & Listening


Activities of reading and listening during the classes are also given during the classes. The activities of reading build vocabulary and listening improve fluency.



Presentation are the conversation activities done by the students during the class. Also the students present fluency activities and exercises during class hours.



Writing roleplays or essays are an activity important to the learning process.In this activities the student will write in paper what is taught and learnt.

Tests and Exams


Tests are periodically given to students to view the progress of each student. The teacher will review the improvement of student and it will give the student a grade



Assignments are given to the students each class and reviewed in class for the next classes.

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